My family has a history of skin cancer. Should I be concerned? If you have an immediate family member who has had Melanoma, you should have annual skin checks. The tendency to have other types of skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, is not inherited. However, skin types are. If you are fair skinned, you should have an annual skin check of your sun-exposed areas.
Can you develop acne past your teen years, even if you have never had it? Absolutely. Please make an appointment if you are having persistent acne at any age. We can help!
Do I need a referral to see a Dermatologist? No. Please call for an appointment.
What is the difference between Botox and fillers? Botox is used to stop muscle movement, allowing a great reduction in wrinkles in certain areas. It is also used in certain medical conditions, for example, for excess perspiration. Fillers are used as an anti-aging treatment in areas of volume loss- such as the lips or cheeks, to create a more youthful appearance.
What age range do you treat? We treat patients of all ages.
Do I need to wear sunscreen on a cloudy day? You receive 80% of the sun's harmful rays on a cloudy day, so daily sunscreen use is highly recommended to help prevent skin cancer and to slow the signs of aging.